Josh's Article Archive

Trauma refers to a range of negative experiences that result from physical or psychological harm, or the threat of harm, to oneself or to those we love.

Traumatic experiences have a profound impact on our emotional and physiological responses of the body, leading to symptoms such as anxiety, depression, hypervigilance, avoidance, and self-sabotaging behaviors.

Burnout is a state of mental and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. Read on to learn strategies for preventing burnout…

Tamyiah says, “I’m having difficulty having an orgasm and I don’t know how to talk to my husband about that, about foreplay, or just about having a better sex life in general.”

Why is sex so important to my husband? In 4 out of 5 marriages men have the higher sex drive and are the primary initiator of sexual experiences. If you are in one of these marriages this comes as no surprise to you. It may seem like your husband is constantly wanting sex and acts like a wounded puppy dog if you're not in the mood.

You may have suspected something was not right. Discovery is the moment you realize your spouse has been unfaithful.

Chances are the “sex talk” you got from dad was terrible….if you got one at all. And the locker room is definitely no fountain of truth when it comes to women. So how do you know what a woman really wants in bed?

Orgasms are GREAT….unless you can’t climax….then they are just a frustrating, discouraging source of heart-ache. But, the good news is: Anorgasmia (the inability to orgasm/climax), is VERY treatable.

It depends… Are you willing to do the work necessary to fix a marriage after an affair? The percentage of marriages that survive infidelity varies, but in our experience, if a couple is willing to do the work – The marriage can be saved.

Do you know what it feels like when you have anxiety? Probably so. But do you know why you feel anxiety symptoms or what to do to help your anxiousness? You will after you read this article!

EMDR is an approach to therapy that has become popular in recent years thanks to the research showing it can be very effective in treating trauma / PTSD.

God created sex to be this amazing thing you long for and enjoy with passion! – But, that’s not always the message we get from church…