“How do I go about finding a Christian Sex Therapist?” Read more to find out what relationship expert Josh Spurlock has to say about what a Christian Sex Therapist is and how to find one.
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Welcome to My Counselor Online. I’m Josh Spurlock and today, Janelle is asking for a friend, “How do I go about finding a Christian sex therapist?”
For Starters, What Is a Christian Sex Therapist?
Great question. Sex therapists are different than marriage counselors or just general counselors. They have specialized training, specifically in troubleshooting sexual difficulties that individuals and couples have.
And so not just anybody that you would plug in with is going to have that training and experience.
Therefore, if you are having a difficulty in the sexual part of your relationship, you definitely want to work with a specialist and somebody that knows how to troubleshoot those issues and can help you reach your goals.
Furthermore, the go-to place for training and certification for Christian sex therapists is the Institute for Sexual Wholeness, which has a board called the American Board of Christian Sex Therapists that certifies professional counselors in sex therapy.
They hold high standards that are matching and exceed all secular organizations for certification in sex therapy.
And so when you’re working with an ABCST certified sex therapist, you know that you’re working with somebody that knows what they’re talking about, someone who has had supervised experience in working with tough cases around sexual difficulties.
Where You Can Find a Sex Therapist to Help You
You can find a certified sex therapist in your area through the Institute For Sexual Wholeness (ISW) website, where they have a directory of certified sex therapists.
You can also connect with someone online through My Counselor Online, as we have ABCST certified sex therapists on our team.
If you’re not able to identify a certified sex therapist within your area that you can connect with, My Counselor Online provides access to one wherever in the world that you are so that you don’t have to struggle without the help that you need.
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